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Foshan King Tech Technology Co., Ltd

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Review of energy storage industry in 2018: overseas customer side market is active and domestic market is slowing down


Since 2010, it has been nine years since the global energy storage project data statistics, global energy storage market tracking and the promotion of China's energy storage industry. During this period, cnesa witnessed the rise of markets in the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Korea and China. While admiring other countries for having a mature electricity market, cnesa can also reap the "care" of energy storage project installation subsidies, tax relief policies, and other renewable energy policies. At the same time, it is also worried that China's energy storage market has been "hot outside and cold inside" and "bumpy step by step" Not only is the market scale hovering in the "MWh" stage, but the profit model in any field of source, network and load has not been clear and stable.

In 2018, driven by the large-scale explosion of energy storage on the grid side, the energy storage market presents a turning point. Cnesa believes that the current stage is very critical. Before the "step-by-step" development of renewable energy and the initial stage of electricity market-oriented reform, the development path of energy storage in the next 1-2 years will play a crucial role in reshaping the market pattern. At present, the energy storage industry is standing at the "crossroads", where it will go in the "ice" and "fire" situation, which needs the deep thinking and efforts of every energy storage person.

With the rapid development of global energy storage, China's market has entered the "GW / GWH" era.

In 2018, without anyone's expectation, the scale of grid side energy storage application will break out, and China's energy storage market will enter the "GW / GWH" era. According to the incomplete statistics of the global energy storage project library of China Energy Research Association / Zhongguancun energy storage industry technology alliance (cnesa), the cumulative scale of energy storage projects put into operation in China in 2018 was 1018.5mw/2912.3mwh, 2.6 times of the total scale of last year. By the end of 2018, the total installed capacity of electrochemical energy storage in the world has reached 4868.3mw/10739.2mwh, and the power scale has increased by 65% over the same period of last year, and the development has been accelerated. It is worth noting that the rise of some emerging markets in 2018 has promoted the rapid development of the global electrochemical energy storage market. In addition to China, South Korea, under the incentive of a number of policies, has made great efforts in the energy storage market and won the "top position" in the global electrochemical energy storage market. Driven by many factors, such as the continuous decrease of energy storage system cost and the continuous increase of user electricity price, the user side energy storage market in Ontario, Canada in 2018 also attracted a large number of overseas energy storage system suppliers and project developers such as the United States and China.
